Web Site Contributors.

The following individuals have been major contributors to this web site.  These people have spend a considerable amount of time researching information.

Stan Bormann:  Stan has a website at   http://www.visi.com/~bormann/bormann_genealogy.htm.  Stan has worked with Claude Lanners, who resides in Germany, to obtain ancestral information.

 Pat Breidenbach: Published “The Breidenbach Family” book covering the period 1757 – 1978.  Pat spent five years doing research for the book and continues to explore family history.  She and her husband went to Oesdorf, Germany in June 2006 and took several pictures which are located under their family information.  Click on Pat's name to view the pictures or click on http://www.rl-anc.com/showalbum.php?albumID=4 which will open a "Picture Album" to view the pictures.

Pat has copies of the "The Breidenbach Family" book for sale.  If you are interested please email me and I will forward your request to her.

Claude Lanners:  Has done considerable research on the Bormann family history and has worked with Stan Bormann who has the website http://www.visi.com/~bormann/bormann_genealogy.htm

Betty Stevenson Rausch:  Betty Rausch has been researching the Rausch Ancestry the last several months after completing a book on her family history.  She has provided more recent information of the Rausch family.

Pat Garrity Rausch:   Pat did considerable research in the 1970’s and early 1980’s, which has contributed to this site. 

Vern Rausch:  Vern has collected information over the years and has contributed a considerable amount of information to this web site.   He is familiar with the web site and for the people in the Hoven area would be a good resource if you have questions.

Cecilia Schwebach:  Published Eugene and Anna Schwebach Family History in about 1982. 

Alice Simon:  Alice has worked with Vern over the past several years in gathering information.  They did research in St. Cloud, MN to gather information on the Rausch




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